11th Swiss Global Change Day
20 April 2010 in Bern
Recent highlights in global environmental change research as well as challenges for future research are in the focus of the Swiss Global Change Day which will take place as in the previous years in Bern. The posters give the possibility to share the current research with colleagues from different disciplines and to find out about the research activities of others. In addition, the event is an opportunity for people from governmental institutions, economy and politics to ask questions and voice their needs and views on the presented topics.

- Flyer: 11th Swiss Global Change Day
- Timothy Carter - Adapting Europe to climate change: What does research have to offer?
- Harald Bugmann - Forests in a Greenhouse Atmosphere: Predicting the Unpredictable?
- Linda Steg - Psychology and energy conservation
- Brian Moss - Biodiversity and Climate Change: Lessons from Swiss Clocks
- Gabi Hegerl - Climate Change: Using the past to predict the future
- Christof Appenzeller - Better climate information for a better future
Swiss Global Change Day
- 24th Swiss Global Change Day
- 23rd Swiss Global Change Day
- 22nd Swiss Global Change Day
- 21st Swiss Global Change Day
- 20th Swiss Global Change Day
- 19th Swiss Global Change Day
- 18th Swiss Global Change Day
- 17th Swiss Global Change Day
- 16th Swiss Global Change Day
- 15th Swiss Global Change Day
- 14th Swiss Global Change Day
- 13th Swiss Global Change Day
- 12th Swiss Global Change Day
- 11th Swiss Global Change Day
- 10th Swiss Global Change Day
- 9th Swiss Global Change Day
- 8th Swiss Global Change Day
- 7th Swiss Global Change Day
- 6th Swiss Global Change Day
- 5th Swiss Global Change Day
- 4th Swiss Global Change Day
- 3rd Swiss Global Change Day
- 2nd Swiss Global Change Day
- First Swiss Global Change Day